Sweet Home
Doberman Rescue
ALL dogs will be altered before adoption. All rescues and shelters practice pediatric spay and neuter. This is essential in our rescue efforts and it is a policy that we will stick by. All dogs over 8 weeks will be altered before adoption. There are no exceptions to this rule on all healthy and adoptable dogs. We have researched and discussed in depth with multiple vets everything on pediatric spay and neuter and from a rescue stand point it must be done. Please do not ask for an extension on spay and neutering, it will NOT be granted on a healthy puppy!
Available Dogs
All of the dogs you see here are ready to go to their forever homes.
Received age appropriate vaccinations
On heartworm preventative
Spayed or neutered
They each have their own unique story and we will provide you with as much information as we possibly can about them. In order to meet one of our dogs you must first complete an application and become an approved foster or adopter.
We do our best to match dogs with the personalities of the animals in the home as well as an adopter's lifestyle. If you would like to be kept up to date on some of the newcomers please follow us on Facebook.
Please note available dogs are subject to change.
We do our very best to give the most current information on each dog available.
Dogs Not Quite Ready
Dogs here need a little extra time before finding their forever homes. Some just need a few weeks, others a few months.
If you see *Pending Adoption this means they have found a perfect match once treatment is over. Some may still become available.

Felix came to us from a BYB/Hoarding situation. Of the eleven dogs pulled we could only make room for one this time.
We think Felix has some Dobie in him - either way, he is a sweet little cutie-pie!
He is with one of our amazing foster families and they will be nursing him to health and getting him ready for adoption.
Stay tuned for updates.
Est 7 Months

Hey! I’m Sugarplum, a nine week old female Doberman puppy.
Listen pal, I may look like a baby, but I’ve been through so much, I might as well be an old crone! Since I’m a baby, my memory isn’t too great, but I’ll tell ya what these rescue folks told me! At some point when I was with my litter, my mom either bit me or stepped on me and my head got stuck kinda crooked. I could still get around, but I was real wobbly and it was hard to compete with my siblings for food. They started ganging up on me because I walked funny, so I was taken to a shelter. I was only there for a couple hours before some really nice people came and scooped me right up! I got to spend the holidays in a wonderful foster home, but my problems were just getting started! I wasn’t able to keep food down after a couple weeks, so I went to the vet. Turns out I have this thing called mega esophagus that keeps me from swallowing well. I have to eat a bunch of smoothies now and have to sit up when it’s dinner time, but I’m okay with that! It means more time on someone’s lap getting attention! I’ve got a lot of challenges, but I am a spunky little thing with a strong will to live. I’m gonna be a great big dog one day, just y’all wait and see!
Est 2 Mnths

Dasher has made it to rescue!
Just got broke out of the big house and have arrived at a foster layover to get my vetting started.
Check in soon for updates!!

Slim Shady
Hi there! I’m Slim Shady, a two year old male Doberman.
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty worn out! I was found in rural Alabama as a stray. I had been living at an intersection where some kind folks were feeding me. I wanted to trust them, but someone in my past wasn’t good to me and I was too scared. It was awful cold out there, especially at night! The sun was real hard on my eyes too. I almost went blind out there! Thankfully, a nice lady with lots of tasty treats came along and was real kind to me. She picked me up and got me out of the elements! Now I’m on the mend and waiting to go into something called a “foster home.” I’ve remembered that I like people a lot when they’re nice to me! I will be recovering and decompressing for a while before looking for a new forever home.
Est. 2Yrs
FurEver Foster
Sometimes a Dog comes into rescue who can never be officially adopted due to extreme health issues that cannot be resolved. These pups have AMAZINGLY DEVOTED Forever Foster Parents who monitor their conditions and see to their medical needs in addition to giving all the love our regular Foster Families provide. SHDSR covers the cost of their care for life.

Frank joined us after a very rough time in life. We pulled him from the streets with massive injuries from what we think was him getting hit by a car. Many surgeries later, Heartworm Treatment later, he is on the road to healthy.

Captain is a 10 year old boy who has extensive allergies and is HW positive. He will live out his golden years with his FurEver Foster momma where he will be spoiled rotten.

Good Golly Ms. Molly! Isn't she just the cutest thing ever. Molly has a few rare genetic conditions, one being a disease so rare it has yet to be named but leaves her with zebra stripes. She is our special girl and will be living out her life under the care of SHDSR.

Pierce is a FurEver foster because he has a bleeding disorder as well as a liver condition. While his condition has not been pin pointed, he will be treated like a vWB dog and will receive the best care possible.