Sweet Home
Doberman Rescue
Support Alabama HB 149
Please use the following (copy and paste) when emailing your elected official:
Subject line: Support the Alabama Dog Tethering and Outdoor Shelter Act HB149
Dear Senator (or Representative) [Last name]:
As your constituent, I write to ask that you support the Alabama Dog Tethering and Outdoor Shelter Act, HB149 introduced by Representative Phillip Ensler in the upcoming legislative session, which would require certain methods be used to tether or confine a dog and requires certain care be provided to dogs kept outside, such as ensuring adequate food and shelter. In the 2024 U.S. State Animal Protection Law Rankings released by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Alabama ranked 49th in the country in animal protection laws. The proposed law will help improve animal welfare statewide by encouraging more responsible pet ownership.
I ask that you support this bill and use your influence to encourage others to support this bill. Please respond to me directly and let me know how you plan to vote on this bill in the upcoming legislative session. Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Full Name]

Available Dogs

Divine - 9 Mnth Old - Female - Good with Dogs - Good with Kids - GOOD with Cats Learn more in the "Available Dogs" section

Donner - 1yr Old - Male - Good with Dogs - UNK with Kids - UNK with Cats Learn more in the "Available Dogs" section

Watson - 3 Year Old - Neutered Male - Good with Dogs - Unknown with Kids - Cats Unknown Learn more in the "Available Dogs" section

Divine - 9 Mnth Old - Female - Good with Dogs - Good with Kids - GOOD with Cats Learn more in the "Available Dogs" section
More Dogs
About Us
Sweet Home Doberman Rescue (SHDR) is the only 501c3, not for profit Doberman rescue organization in Alabama. Founded in 2015, SHDR has committed to the rescue, rehabilitation, and placement of abused, abandoned, and/or neglected Dobermans.
It is SHDR's personal mission to assist these magnificent breeds in any way we can.
We are dedicated to educating the public as well as future Doberman owners about these majestic, often misunderstood breeds. They are often portrayed as aggressive dogs who will attack at a moment's notice when in fact they are Velcro dogs who are loyal, protective, and want to please their family! A Doberman wants nothing more than to be by your side and on your couch.

Dog of the Month
Helloooo! I’m Divine, a one year old female Doberman.
Hey hey! Did you know this rescue thing is actually really nifty? I didn’t until now! I was rescued from a rough spot where I was malnourished and in need of a safe place to heal. I bounced back fast and am now ready for my forever home! I am good with other dogs and learn new things SUPER fast. I love to play and be close to my people. I can be a little shy around new people at first, but once I warm up to you, we can be best friends!

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